There are significant ramifications when things slip through the cracks in foster care. The task management module makes sure that doesn't happen. It provides visibility and accountability for the different tasks people are assigned to and working on.
Anyone on a team can create a task and assign a task to another team member. Tasks can include comments for clarification and even subtasks to help divvy up larger items.
Some tasks are automatically created by the system. For example, if there is an abuse or neglect disclose flagged on a journal entry, ConnectedCare.Team automatically creates a task assigned to the team's caseworker. The task instructs them to follow up with the journal author (usually a foster parent) regarding the disclosure.
You'll receive an email notification if you are assigned to a task and you'll receive an email notification if someone marks a task complete that you created. Tasks also include starting and ending dates and reminders. Additionally, tasks have exposure in the agency dashboard. This keeps supervisors aware of workloads, lagging to-do items, and abuse disclosure followups.